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Friday, August 17, 2007

More Signs Of The Coming Economic Collapse

This article points to quite a bit of information that makes it obvious a collapse is coming soon. Watch for news like this to become more and more frequent as the weeks pass.

Wal-Mart CEO H. Lee Scott Jr. says customers are "running out of money."

Earlier this week, consumer juggernauts Home Depot and Wal-Mart reported softer than expected earnings.

Penned the New York Times, "the sober forecasts reverberated across Wall Street, sending the Dow Jones industrial average and the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index down by nearly 2 percent, with the Dow dropping more than 200 points. Shares of both Wal-Mart and Home Depot fell around 5 percent.

"Economists said the sluggish performance of the chains — Wal-Mart missed its profit forecast and Home Depot’s earnings dropped — could signal broader troubles in the economy."

Buried in the article was a sobering remark indeed: “Many customers are running out of money at the end of the month,” said H. Lee Scott Jr., the chief executive of Wal-Mart.

In Los Angeles, economic concerns hit close to home.

Anxious customers of Countrywide Bank jammed its phone lines, branches and website after the nation's largest mortgage lender -- which owns the bank -- announced it was facing problems from a credit meltdown.

"Countrywide Financial Corp., the biggest home-loan company in the nation, sought Thursday to assure depositors and the financial industry that both it and its bank were fiscally stable," wrote the LA Times Friday. "And federal regulators said they weren't alarmed by the volume of withdrawals from the bank."

"The rush to withdraw money -- by depositors that included a former Los Angeles Kings star hockey player and an executive of a rival home-loan company -- came a day after fears arose that Countrywide Financial could file for bankruptcy protection because of a worsening credit crunch stemming from the sub-prime mortgage meltdown," the paper continued.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Who owns you?

More And More Of The Same

Look's like they are going to target everyone who thinks freely on the internet soon. Look at what the New York police commissioner said yesterday:

The Internet is the new battleground against Islamist extremism because it provides ideology that could radicalize Westerners who might then initiate home-grown attacks, New York police commissioner Raymond Kelly said on Wednesday.

"The Internet is the new Afghanistan," Kelly said, as he released a New York Police Department (NYPD) report on the home-grown threat of attacks by Islamist extremists. "It is the de facto training ground. It's an area of concern."

This can be taken as nothing less than their announcement that they will soon be arresting and detaining people like me, and anyone who shares information that sheds light on the disgusting shit they do. Watch for a big crackdown on the internet soon.

Also, the U.S. and IS-RA-EL, have signed a 30 billion dollar arms deal.
The United States signed a deal on Thursday to boost its military aid to Israel to 30 billion dollars over the next decade aimed at countering a "resurgent" Iran and its allies.

"There is now a nexus of cooperation between Iran, Syria, Hezbollah ... and other groups that are responsible for conflict in this region," including the Palestinian Hamas, he said.

The bonanza includes a 20-billion-dollar weapons package for Saudi Arabia, one of 13 billion dollars for Egypt, and reportedly arms deals worth at least 20 billion dollars for other Gulf allies.

The total 30 billion dollar figure represents almost 4,286 dollars for each Israeli citizen.

The deal includes what Burns described as a "unique" clause to US military foreign aid, which allows Israel to use 26.3 percent of the annual aid to buy equipment from its own defence industry.

This is obviously another big scam by the groups that stole power from the people of the world. This is all about creating a huge chaotic situation all over the world. This takes care of the middle east.

Stock up water and food. Share.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007

Freedom? More Like Slavery!

“Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.”


Friday, August 10, 2007

Chemtrails Introduction

This is a great lecture by the author of "Gulf War Syndrome", William Thomas. He discusses his research into chemtrails, Mycoplasma, and biowarfare.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

The rise in unmanned aerial vehicles these days should alarm quite a few. I have watched this progress to this point from a child playing video games. When I was young, I knew that one day, remote controlled aircrafts would be used in the armed forces, and highly trained video game pilots would control them from a remote location.

Sure enough, eventually we got to that point. Look at a few lines from this article about the US and UK putting unmanned aerial vehicles into their arsenal.

The US Air Force has announced it has ordered a further quartet of MQ-9 'Reapers', worth $59m, to supplement its initial fleet of seven.

A decision on full-rate production is expected in 2009. Meanwhile, the head of the Royal Air Force said last week that the UK will also deploy its first fully-armed Reapers "later this year".

The MQ-9 is the most formidable killer robot currently in operation. It's a big beast, 36 feet long with an 86-foot wingspan. It can fly for 14 hours without refuelling, going at a maximum speed of 300mph and as high as 50,000 feet - nine and a half miles up.

The US Air Force describes it as an "unmanned hunter/killer weapon system". This term might perhaps have been coined by a fan of the classic Terminator movies, in which dystopian future battlegrounds are overflown by murderous Flying-HK death-droids intent on wiping out the last vestiges of human resistance to the machine overlords.
Look at this article that discusses how the machines can work completely "hands-off" after telling it what to do.
...Scan Eagle recce drones used by the US Marines and Navy can now be autonomously handled in groups by intelligent software. Completely hands-off, they can be told to sweep a given area. They can be informed of an important target - for instance a suspicious vehicle - using only a cellphone/PDA, and move in without further input to gather video and follow the target covertly.

...the US Navy has recently awarded a contract for a full-sized drone demonstrator jet able to operate from carriers autonomously, and has already proven that Fire Scout robo-copters can land themselves on ships underway at sea.
These machines aren't good for our future. Imagine what is to come 20 years from now from the companies developing these. You really should investigate these things for yourself.

The Age Of Spiritual Machines

Read the Prologue to Ray Kurzweil's book. It gives some good insight to the possible near-future in the age of information and supercomputers. He also has a few other chapters available online to read.

The gambler had not expected to be here. But on reflection, he thought he had shown some kindness in his time. And this place was even more beautiful and satisfying than he had imagined. Everywhere there were magnificent crystal chandeliers, the finest handmade carpets, the most sumptuous foods, and, yes, the most beautiful women, who seemed intrigued with their new heaven mate. He tried his hand at roulette, and amazingly his number came up time after time. He tried the gaming tables, and his luck was nothing short of remarkable: He won game after game. Indeed his winnings were causing quite a stir, attracting much excitement from the attentive staff, and from the beautiful women.

This continued day after day, week after week, with the gambler winning every game, accumulating bigger and bigger earnings. Everything was going his way. He just kept on winning. And week after week, month after month, the gambler's streak of success remained unbreakable.

After a while, this started to get tedious. The gambler was getting restless; the winning was starting to lose its meaning. Yet nothing changed. He just kept on winning every game, until one day, the now anguished gambler turned to the angel who seemed to be in charge and said that he couldn't take it anymore. Heaven was not for him after all. He had figured he was destined for the "other place" nonetheless, and indeed that is where he wanted to be.

"But this is the other place," came the reply.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Police Brutality

Economic Collapse Imminent

You cannot go one day without seeing plenty of news about the coming financial meltdown of the United States. I have been calling this for years, and its finally becoming apparent to everyone else.

This article from Signs Of The Times goes over quite a bit of the recent news on the subject.

The sharp drop in stock prices toward the end of last week coming on the heels of the sell-off of the week before last indicates a growing sense of panic.

The people saying that the bursting of the housing bubble can be contained are getting fewer and fewer. Those who see it as the beginnings of much wider and deeper economic trouble were once on the fringe, but are now the mainstream. The lack of confidence in mortgage debt is leading to questioning of all sorts of debt, including the hyperdebt of derivatives and hedge funds.

IBM And The Holocaust, Past & Future

I bet you did not know that IBM provided the technology that Hitler used to catalog and keep track of the Jews he controlled around the world.

I also bet you were not aware that IBM owns VeriChip, the company that is producing the government-backed Implantable RFID Chips. Isn't that a strange coincidence? If you can't see what is staring back at you, your eyes must be shut.

China Threatens To Cause American Dollar Collapse

Almost every day there is some news that points to the coming Chinese rise to power. Do not forget that the same people who are setting the U.S. up to fail today, are the same people who will be controlling China tomorrow.

Everything that happens on the world stage, is part of the "Big Show" they are putting on to herd the sheeple of the planet into mental prisons.

The Chinese government has begun a concerted campaign of economic threats against the United States, hinting that it may liquidate its vast holding of US treasuries if Washington imposes trade sanctions to force a yuan revaluation.

Two officials at leading Communist Party bodies have given interviews in recent days warning - for the first time - that Beijing may use its $1.33 trillion (£658bn) of foreign reserves as a political weapon to counter pressure from the US Congress.

Full Article @ The Telegraph

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Empire Of Oil: The Hidden History Of 9/11

This video draws a clear picture of the history leading up to the 9/11 attacks. Contains quite a bit of information you do not normally receive in the media. Watch close, or you might miss something!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Chemtrails + North American Union + RFID Powder = ?

Here is a good video of Alex Jones and a guest discussing chemtrails and the North American Aviation Trilateral & Open Skies Agreement. The video contains quite a few good shots of chemtrails over the continent.

Pretty scary stuff, if you know what is possible. Take the RFID Chip Powder that Hitachi has made, mix that with the aerial spraying taking place across the whole planet, and read up a bit on ad-hoc networking.

These RFID Powders, can be used as networking devices...They communicate with each other and with control stations. Imagine if you dumped millions of these things over a large area...they could link themselves together and use GPS to create a live 3D map of the area they were dispersed over. Who knows what else they could be used for, but with nanotechnology becoming more and more advanced every day, you can expect some dirty tricks in the future from the technocrats.

Introduction To Gog, Magog & More

Ever wonder why there is an owl on the one dollar bill, or why the Bilderberg group uses an owl on their clubs logo, or why they sacrifice effigies of men to a giant owl once a year?

Watch as the Discordian Resistance Front drops knowledge on Gog, Magog, Baphomet and more.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Want To See The Ocean? Give Us Money!

Visitors will wear wristbands that automatically debit their bank accounts or credit cards to pay for beach access, food and parking. Garbage cans will send e-mail to cleanup crews when they’re ready to be emptied.

And people won’t even think about trying to sneak in: Beach checkers could scan the sands with handheld devices and instantly know who didn’t pay.

This southern New Jersey city plans to deliver a variety of public services and Internet access using radio-frequency identification chips and Wi-Fi wireless technology. The $3 million project is expected to be finished by next summer.

Full Article @ Worcester Telegram & Gazette

How Mercury Affects The Brain

This is a video showing how Mercury causes Brain Neuron Degeneration, done by the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology & Biophysics. It shows Mercury cells interfering with the development of Brain cells. Aluminum did not even cause the same effects. The mercury causes the cells to be unable to connect with other cells to grow the brain.

The video shows actual footage of brain cells growing fine before Thimerosal exposure, then instantly the brain cells start dying after Thimerosal is introduced.

I am having my first child soon, which is why I have had so much interest in Mercury-containing vaccines lately. Below the video is my findings.

Thimerosal (also known as Thiomersal & Merthiolate), is a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines and other products since the 1930's. It was developed by Eli Lilly & Company Pharmaceuticals.

In 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics requested removal of thiomersal from all pediatric vaccines, however, the Center for Disease Control, and the Food & Drug Administration stated that "although thiomersal was to be discontinued in some paediatric vaccines, they would not be recalling any unused stocks."

This means that although multiple sources state the risks of using Mercury in humans, they are still pumping our kids full of the stuff today.

The FDA recommends no more than 0.1 Microgram per Kg per Day. This is strange, when you notice that in one day, our children recieve the following doses in vaccines:

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Vaccine - Contains 25 Micrograms of Thimerosal (Mercury)

DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) Vaccine - Contains 25 Micrograms of Thimerosal (Mercury)

Hepatitis B Vaccine - Contains 12.5 Micrograms of Thimerosal (Mercury)
That is 62.5 Micrograms in one day, when even the EPA says a child should only
be exposed to 0.55 Micrograms per day (0.1 X 5.5 = 0.55)

Even the Environmental Protection Agency speaks of risks on their website:
Mercury exposure at high levels can harm the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and immune system of people of all ages.

This is my list so far of vaccines that contain mercury:
BioThrax (Anthrax Vaccine)
DTaP (Tripedia)
DTaP-HepB-IPV (Pediarix)
DTaP-Hib (TriHIBit)
DTwP (All Products)
DT (Diphtheria & Tetanus Toxoids Adsorbed USP)
Td (DECAVAC, Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids Adsorbed)
Tetanus Toxoid (Booster, USP, Adult Use)
Hep A-B (Twinrix)
Influenza 2006/2007 Formula (Fluarix, FluLaval, Fluvirin)
Meningococcal (MENOMUNE-A/C/Y/W-135)

If you have any good information about these vaccines, or mercury use in general, please get in touch.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

License Plate Surveillance

For the past week, while driving to work I have seen this truck on different on-ramps to the freeway. I noticed that each day he was at an on-ramp closer to mine. I wanted to catch a pic of it, but never had my camera. However, today I had a feeling, and grabbed the cam. As luck would have it, this bad boy was parked right on the side of my on-ramp!

I pulled up to it slowly and zoomed my camera in on it. I stopped right near it, took a snap, and noticed a young man walk out from inside. He walked in front of my car, with his hand out, telling me to stop (I was already stopped). He started saying "Taking pictures of this is illegal, I need you to delete the photo in front of me" as he walked to my window. I replied with "Are you taking photos with this truck?" and he said "yes". I looked at him and laughed and told him to "kiss my ass, I know what you're doing here!" as I sped off with the photo in hand!

Take a close look at the picture. You really need to see the larger version.

Notice the setup? There is a radar machine that takes a photo when the car passes, which I'm sure is set up to a computer that organizes the photos and license plate numbers into a database. I should have asked him if he was working for homeland security.

The truck seems to be sporting an Arizona license plate "NE-69098".

This machine is just collecting a list of on-ramps different people use. They want to know everything they can about everything you do. Watch for similar systems to be set up on your on-ramp soon! Expect them to look a bit less invasive as well, this is most likely a test-run. They will probably end up as tiny boxes on the side of all the freeway entrances.

Get in touch if you know anything about these trucks.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Schizophrenia's Direct Link To The Infinite

Follow Louis Wain & his schizophrenia as his paintings go from near-photo-realistic images of cats, to amazing patterns of fractal mathematics.

I cannot help but continue to believe that there is some close relation between schizophrenia and the infinite.