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Monday, August 6, 2007

Chemtrails + North American Union + RFID Powder = ?

Here is a good video of Alex Jones and a guest discussing chemtrails and the North American Aviation Trilateral & Open Skies Agreement. The video contains quite a few good shots of chemtrails over the continent.

Pretty scary stuff, if you know what is possible. Take the RFID Chip Powder that Hitachi has made, mix that with the aerial spraying taking place across the whole planet, and read up a bit on ad-hoc networking.

These RFID Powders, can be used as networking devices...They communicate with each other and with control stations. Imagine if you dumped millions of these things over a large area...they could link themselves together and use GPS to create a live 3D map of the area they were dispersed over. Who knows what else they could be used for, but with nanotechnology becoming more and more advanced every day, you can expect some dirty tricks in the future from the technocrats.

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