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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Military Using Robot Flies As Spy's

Imagine a world where you are not sure if you can say or do a thing without knowing if there is a government spy watching you. That is the world coming into view here. The military has been after technology that would help them spy on us, and the less likely we are to know they are spying, the better.

Scientists at Harvard have invented a robotic fly to send on reconnaissance missions in areas too dangerous for humans, such as those contaminated by chemical or biological weapons.

It can also be used to find hidden bombs and in search missions.

The "flybot", which can fit on a fingertip, is made of lightweight carbon and weighs less than a pin.

Researchers, led by Professor Robert Wood, spent seven years on the project with the backing of the US military.

"The real benefit of the fly is that from a military aspect, you probably wouldn't be able to notice it," said Prof Wood.

Full Article @ Sky News

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