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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Military Using Robot Flies As Spy's

Imagine a world where you are not sure if you can say or do a thing without knowing if there is a government spy watching you. That is the world coming into view here. The military has been after technology that would help them spy on us, and the less likely we are to know they are spying, the better.

Scientists at Harvard have invented a robotic fly to send on reconnaissance missions in areas too dangerous for humans, such as those contaminated by chemical or biological weapons.

It can also be used to find hidden bombs and in search missions.

The "flybot", which can fit on a fingertip, is made of lightweight carbon and weighs less than a pin.

Researchers, led by Professor Robert Wood, spent seven years on the project with the backing of the US military.

"The real benefit of the fly is that from a military aspect, you probably wouldn't be able to notice it," said Prof Wood.

Full Article @ Sky News

British Petroleum OK'd To Continue Dumping Mercury Into Lake Michigan

I'm not sure how much research you have done on mercury, but this is some nasty stuff. We really do not need this in our bodies, and these dirty people even pump it into you at birth. Do not go swimming in Lake Michigan.

A BP refinery in Indiana will be allowed to continue to dump mercury into Lake Michigan under a permit issued by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.

The permit exempts the BP plant at Whiting, Ind., 3 miles southeast of Chicago, from a 1995 federal regulation limiting mercury discharges into the Great Lakes to 1.3 ounces per year.

The BP plant reported releasing 3 pounds of mercury through surface water discharges each year from 2002 to 2005, according to the Toxics Release Inventory, a database on pollution emissions kept by the Environmental Protection Agency that is based on information reported by companies.

The permit was issued July 21 in connection with the plant's $3.8 billion expansion, but only late last week began to generate public controversy. It gives the company until at least 2012 to meet the federal standard.

Full Article @ USA Today (notice it is in the MONEY section of the site)

Pentagon Announces Microchip Implant For Soldiers Brains

I knew it would only be a matter of time before the Pentagon announced their plans to implant brain chips on the entire military. They claim below, that human trials are still a few years off, but who the hell trusts these psychopathic hate-mongers?

You can be damn sure they plan to implant this chip in every one of you some day. It will start voluntarily, and eventually become a technicality of being a citizen of the world. No chip, no way to purchase food or shelter, no way to move around. They wont force the chip on you, they will just make it impossible to do anything in their system without it.

The Department of Defense is planning to implant microchips in soldiers' brains for monitoring their health information, and has already awarded a $1.6 million contract to the Center for Bioelectronics, Biosensors and Biochips (C3B) at Clemson University for the development of an implantable "biochip".

Clemson scientists have formulated a gel that mimics human tissue and reduces the chances of the body rejecting the biochip, which has been a problem in the past.

The researcher predicts the biochip is five years away from human trials, and the DoD could start implanting microchips in soldiers bodies soon after.
Full Article @ Press Esc

Subliminal Advertising

Watch as Derren Brown shows how easy it is for the advertising agencies to build this fantasy world with you.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Forced Relocation Of Over 1000 Chinese Families For Olympics

I do not even have to tell you how disturbing this is. These families were forced to leave their land so the Chinese government could allow a golf course and apartment tower to be built. They were lied to by the local government, who claimed the land was being used for a park necessary for them to host the Olympics there. These people are crying for help, and all we can do is drive our H2 Hummer's and Land Rovers to work.

Just wait until the U.S. government comes to tell you that you have to leave YOUR land, that your family has lived on generation after generation...that is, if they have not already got you off your family's land and into their giant maze-like cities.

As of July 27, in the heart of the 2008 Olympics site, residents of Datun village, Chaoyang district, Beijing, have maintained a sitting appeal in front of Beijing Huahui Real Estate for twelve consecutive days. They are urging authorities to solve their problems and to respect their property rights and compensations after they were forcibly evicted to make way for the Olympics. Yet in 12 days not one communist cadre has come out to meet with them.

The appeal was triggered by the local regime's plan for a new construction of a golf course and apartments in Olympics Project. The construction has evicted nearly 1,000 families to make way.

Everyone comes to this appeal voluntarily and on average, 300 to 400 people take part in the appeal everyday. At peak times, over 700 people participated in the appeal.

The local regime has sent many police vehicles and security teams to keep an eye on the appeal. On July 25 local police stations and neighborhood committees held meetings, and they were ordered to persuade people to give up their appeal. A threatening broadcast message was posted on the appeal site stating, "Hanging banners is disturbing social order and whoever refuses to give up the appeal will be arrested."

"They did not compensate us according to the official regulation, and some of the compensation were embezzled by the real estate developer; those regime officials definitely knew that, but nobody cares and without land, we don't know what we can do."

According to local residents, the local regime acquired the land under the guise of building a park that was required by the Olympics Project, but in reality, the developer is building a golf course and high-rise apartments now.

Read full article @ Epoch Times

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Beating The War Drum For China

It looks like the Washington Times is trying to stir up more hatred towards the Chinese, as well as Iranians. They recently had an article about how China is selling weapons to both sides of the Iraq war. They claim that both the insurgents (i.e. iraqi families defending their homeland from the great satan, america) and the Iraqi police force are receiving weapons. They go on to claim that the rocket launchers and such are being smuggled into Iraq through Iran.

This follows the same rhetoric we've been getting from every media outlet(federal propaganda agency) for the past few years. They need to manufacture fear of these people to sell a planned future war with both countries to the american people. If you think the Iraq war is a genocide, just wait until the US/China war that looms on the horizon. Keep in mind, these wars do not reflect the will of the american or chinese people. These wars are all merely small chess moves in a massive game of "take over the world".

Friday, July 27, 2007

Hiding From Your Motivations

Gaze into the mind of a schizophrenic, as he drops massive knowledge on the current mindset of a human being, paranoia, the system and the self.

My favorite quote:

If you think too differently, they're going to label you schizophrenic because they're scared of you, but they don't even know they're scared of you, they think you're just crazy. The system is set up to just suppress people.

Forced Mass Extinction

As Al Gore (Illuminati front-man) uses his "inconvenient truth" to gain popularity among environmentalists, and the Department of Defense declares war on "Global Warming", I sit back and think about all of the death that has already occurred because of mans greed to have more material goods. I also think of all the death to come.

As you can see, the way man is consuming & polluting is causing massive unrest in our worldwide ecosystem. 90% of the worlds large fish have disappeared as a result of industrial fishing. Forests, orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees are among the thousands of types of life that face global extinction today.

Add all that together with the fact that the largest military countries are all preparing for war over water and the pentagon is saying "As early as next year widespread flooding by a rise in sea levels will create major upheaval for millions".

What do you think comes with world-wide extinction, a lack of fresh water supplies and massive wars?

Maybe now would be a good time to read a little on the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive. The directive specifies that, following such an emergency, an "Enduring Constitutional Government," comprising "a cooperative effort among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Federal Government," coordinated by the President of the United States, will take the place of the nation's regular government, presumably without the oversight of Congress.

This means MARTIAL LAW, as a direct result of THEM steering us to consume like this on a global level. Please, open your eyes, I'm telling you guys this because I genuinely care about all life. If/when this comes into play, life in America is going to resemble life in Nazi Germany much more than it does now.

Prepare now before it is too late.

Here is a few more short blips contained within the directive:

This directive establishes a comprehensive national policy on the continuity of Federal Government structures and operations...

"Catastrophic Emergency" means any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions, including localized acts of nature, accidents, and technological or attack-related emergencies.

News From Around Babylon

I've been coming across some interesting news articles lately. Check some of this out...

Looks like Coca-Cola's Aquafina, has been just tap water bottled up and sold back to the public. Could mean that there is fluoride in there.

Also, scientists have developed a generator that can produce electricity from vibrations. This could mean in the future, all of your electronic devices (iPods, CIA Tracking Devices/Cell Phones, pacemakers, anything really) could be powered by your heartbeat. That's right. Bio-electricity! And you thought the Matrix was just kidding about the machines using us for batteries!

You can almost hear them declaring war against China these days. It's obvious the elite are gearing up China to be a major contender with America. The AFP is reporting that "China's espionage operations are of 'substantial concern,' and the United States is taking new steps to address the threat", according to FBI Director Robert Mueller. They go on to quote him saying:

"China is stealing our secrets in an effort to leap ahead in terms of its military technology but also the economic capability of China.

"It is a substantial threat that we are addressing in the sense of putting -- building our program to address this threat."

And to top it all off, Shell is making an upwards of $3 Million an hour. Damn, that is a pretty decent income there. I guess if you are going to sell your soul to Mammon, you might as well go all out.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The World's Weather Modification Programs

I want you to take a look at these two news articles. Similar stuff is going on here in the states as well, however, no one is taking responsibility for it.

From ABC News

Should it unexpectedly start raining at anytime during the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, don't blame the weathercaster -- blame the military.

In an effort to ensure clear skies during Asia's rainy season, Chinese meteorologists are planning to fire rockets into the sky to disperse rain clouds. Once the rockets are launched into the upper atmosphere, silver iodide and dry ice contained inside will detonate, and the resulting explosion could conceivably destroy rain clouds below.

From the Asian Times:
After weeks of watching the mercury soar, hardening the already cracked earth of their wilting orchards and farms, a group of farmers on the outskirts of Beijing gather in the Fragrant Hills that line the western fringe of China's capital city. Unlike their ancestors, they do not assemble to perform a rain dance or gather in a temple to pray to the Lord Buddha to bring the rain.

Instead, they grab rocket launchers and a 37-millimeter anti-aircraft gun and begin shooting into the sky. What they launch are not bullets or missiles but chemical pellets. Their targets are not enemy aggressors but wisps of passing cloud that they aim to "seed" with silver-iodide particles around which moisture can then collect and become heavy enough to fall.

The farmers are part of the biggest rain-making force in the world: China's Weather Modification Program.

Check here for a little bit more information on weather modification.

Maya Shamanism and 2012: A Psychedelic Cosmology

Observe Stela 6 from an early Maya site in southern Mexico called Izapa. This is a classic depiction of the shamanic journey into the underworld, into the raging maw of unknown dimensions of time and space, within the deep psyche yet buoyed on the undulating waves of the celestial seas.

Diagram 1: Stela 6. The shaman and the DMT toad at Izapa

What’s going on in this 2,000-year-old carving? Prominently, we see a frog or toad with its neck craned back and mouth open. In Maya symbology, the mouth of the frog, jaguar, or snake (or cave, even) symbolizes the door to the underworld. Its forked tongue sticks out and appears to jostle a tiny figure in a canoe. Shamans, traditionally, go on a journey into the underworld, and this carving clearly depicts precisely that. But there’s more going on here. Notice the little dots or holes on the toad’s shoulder. These are what scholars call “vision scrolls.” This toad has been identified as the Bufo marines species, whose parotid glands, located on it back and shoulders, secrete a powerful hallucinogen: 5-Meo-DMT. This compound is a relative of the better known DMT, but modern explorers of consciousness have reported unequivocally powerful experiences with the 5-Meo relative. It’s sometimes described as being abysmal, shredding all identity back to the unconditioned void, leaving the aspirant gazing into the bottomless maw of emptiness.

Full Article @ Reality Sandwich

Cheney Is Laughing In Your Face

A little bit of background on David Rockefeller, Cheney and the North American Union.

The African Union Is Already Here

After browsing through some Executive Orders made by the person who the New World Order put in charge of this part of the planet, I found some interesting stuff.

According to the Executive Order "Designating the African Union as a Public International Organization" the African Union is already in place.

This was put into law on April 13, 2005. Can you see the picture that is coming into view?

Imagine how easy it would be to take over the world if there was a North American Union, a European Union, an African Union, and an Asian Union...I mean shit, the current administration has been able to take over multiple countries (that we know of) in just a few short years...How long do you think it would take for them to economically control these main unions and seize control of the whole planet? Actually, they probably already have the control, but they are using this movie-like plot to introduce it to you guys...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Iraq Veteran Tell The Truth About The Iraq War

Words cannot express how I feel about this unjust illegal war.

U.S. Military To Suppress Protesters @ North American Union Meeting

Good article on the upcoming plans by the U.S. Military to deny the peaceful protest of Canadian citizens on their own soil.

The US army is to enforce a huge security perimeter around the upcoming North American Union meeting in Canada this August as well as cracking down on expected protests, having already shut down a public forum due to take place close to the event.

The Security and Prosperity Partnership meeting in Montebello, Quebec on August 20 and 21 is to be policed by American forces, who along with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) have already refused to allow the Municipality of Papineauville, which is about six kilometres from Montebello, to rent a community centre to the Council of Canadians action group who were planning to hold a public forum the night before the confab to express their concerns about the meeting and the issues being discussed.

The Council of Canadians has also been told that in addition to the 25km perimeter in Montebello, there will be checkpoints in nearby areas, and vehicles carrying more than five people will be turned back.

The Dollar Is On Its Way Out

Over the past few months, I've constantly seen news articles all over stating that the dollar was in decline. Things like "Dollar Hits New Lows Vs. Euro, Pound" and "Traders ask how low can the dollar go" have become commonplace over the past few years (however, this been in the works for quite some time longer).

However, lately I have seen it even more frequently.

Just a few days ago I saw an article that said "Canadian dollar equal to US dollar in value"...and the next day, another article said "Canadian dollar surpasses US dollar".

Where is this all going?

Perhaps this article entitled: It’s Official: The Crash of the U.S. Economy has begun can shed a bit more light on the subject.

If you do not know how the money system came to be, you should take a look at some of the videos & information I have posted on the subject in the past.

The New World Order folks have been working to control the financial systems (money making) in every corner of the planet. By centralizing the banking, they have been slowly moving closer to a one world currency. Money started off as a way to exchange goods and services without having to provide the good or services at the time of exchange. It allowed people to, in theory, "save up" their energy (which they trade for other peoples energy so they do not have to do everything and can specialize in certain things & have free time). At the same time, people were slowly moving towards relying on external forces for their well-being.

This can work, in theory. However, if you have a group of global conquistadors striving after world domination, this can be used to gain control of everyone by controlling their means to purchase things necessary to live (water, food, etc).

In the next few years, prepare for a great economic crash and ensuing chaos in the U.S. After the financial system collapses, how do you think you are going to get your food and water? Do you think if there is no money to pay them, the truck drivers are going to continue to bring food to your grocery stores? Do you think the water company is going to continue to pump holy water to your door so you can survive if they can no longer make a profit from it? This is also why the NWO people have been trying to make everyone reliant on non-local foods and goods. When is the last time you got food that did not travel hundreds of miles to get to your mouth?

This chaos will be used as a way for the United Nations (what does UN mean in Spanish?) to come in and say "We told you, this is what happens when you give the PEOPLE the freedom to do what they please". They will then present some plan for "world peace" which boils down to all economic, military and political issues being run by the United Nations, and effectively starts the complete centralization of power.

Now, zoom forward in time 20 years or so (perhaps less), and imagine where this can go:

A world government, that controls all of the resources, and forces you to live the way they want, or else they simply revoke your right to purchase food and water. If they control the money systems around the world, they can implement an electronic money system, where you no longer hold the money, but it is represented on a chip in your body or a card you carry.

Mark my words, some day the United Nations will come to the supposed rescue, and it will be the beginning of the end of individual thought.

It Has Begun

Brothers and sisters, today is an important day. Today is the day you became aware of the approaching situation. Today is the day you decided either to stand up and speak out for what is fair and just, or to sit back and watch as your every right is continually removed one by one.

His Imperial Majesty George W. Bu$h, has officially made it official: He is coming for you.

According to Executive Order titled "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq" you are now in violation of the Empires Laws if you speak out against Sir Bu$h's plans.

Read more:

I, GEORGE W. BU$H, President of the United States of America (And Emperor of The Universe), find that, due to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by acts of violence threatening the peace and stability of Iraq...I hereby order:

...all property and interests in property of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense,

(i) to have committed, or to pose a significant risk of committing, an act or acts of violence that have the purpose or effect of:

(A) threatening the peace or stability of Iraq or the Government of Iraq; or

(B) undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq or to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people;

(ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, logistical, or technical support for, or goods or services in support of, such an act or acts of violence or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; or

(iii) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order.

(b) The prohibitions in subsection (a) of this section include, but are not limited to, (i) the making of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services by, to, or for the benefit of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order, and (ii) the receipt of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services from any such person.

Sec. 2. (a) Any transaction by a United States person or within the United States that evades or avoids, has the purpose of evading or avoiding, or attempts to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this order is prohibited.

(b) Any conspiracy formed to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this order is prohibited.

Pretty much, His Majesty is saying that if you speak out against his plans, or try to help ANYONE he decides is against him, you and ANYONE you have dealt with automatically can have your property taken by the U.S. Government (you know, the one made by the people, for the people).

This is a serious step towards complete military takeover of the U.S. I have a firm belief that this DEMON WORSHIPER and his minions are close to a full-out attack on the citizens of the U.S.

Calling your senators will do nothing. They are all owned by this NAZI regime.

I'm glad I do not have any property, as it would all be taken merely because of this blog post. A scary thing is that, according to this executive order, he can go after my family, or ANYONE I am involved with or related to in any way, and take their property, and probably lock us all up in secret prisons around the world and use us in their disgusting demon-humping sex rituals.

This is the time that I find relief in knowing that even His Majesty and his army of mind-controlled slaves, are all bound to the laws of the universe. Even the Freemasons know that there is always one greater force, thus the eye in the sky symbols in all of their artwork, which hints to the fact that something is watching, and not one can escape universal karmic retribution.

So I say "BRING IT ON" your majesty. The harder you come at us, the harder you shall be flung into the depths of near-eternal mental anguish.

He who sees all, does not forget.

May the Eternal keeper of balance take pity on your soul...

The Growing Iraqi Refugee Crisis

National Radio Project: The Growing Iraqi Refugee Crisis

Since 9/11, the U.S. Congress has appropriated $610 billion dollars in war-related money. With inflation figured in, that's roughly the same amount spent over the full 16 years of the Vietnam War. The Iraq War alone has cost the U.S. $450 billion dollars.

And what about the cost to the Iraqi people? In addition to civilian casualties, since 2003 hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been forced to flee their war-torn country to nearby neighboring countries - countries that either don't want them or can't take care of them.

On this edition, correspondent Dahr Jamail takes us to the streets of Damascus, Syria where we hear from the Iraqi refugees themselves and the organizations trying to assist them.


Eman Abdul Rahid, Iraqi woman whose arm was broken in a car bomb; Adhem Mardini, UNHCR public information officer, Damascus office; Abu Noor, teacher; Omar Jassim, laborer; Rathman Shakr, former detainee and torture survivor; Adnan, ex-Army officer; Dr. Omar Al-Khattab, young Iraqi doctor; Sarrah, student of dentistry; Hummam al-Mukhtar, 17 year old Iraqi student; Hussam, 22 year old Iraqi student; Adel Al-Jabbah, Amir Alaby and Abdel Aziz, Syrian shop owners.

Senior Producer/Host: Tena Rubio
Contributing Freelance Producer: Dahr Jamail
Mixing Engineer: Phillip Babich
Interns: Samson Reiny and Puck Lo

Download Here (Hit play button to listen).

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Astronomy Lectures - The Planets

A great lecture on astronomy that discusses the planets in our solar system. This material is essential for a complete understanding of reality. The graphics are a bit off sync, but it's still great material for anyone who doesn't really know much about the solar system.

The U.N. Deception

This video goes over a bit of the history of the United Nations, and how it seems pretty obvious that the goal of the organization is a one world government, with them in control.

The Human Footprint

This is a clever movie that shows an approximate visual representation of how much one human will consume & how much waste they will accumulate in one life-time.

Maybe after watching this, you will think a bit more about your consumption habits? Imagine what this world is going to look like in 100 (or even 1000) years with all the trash the so-called "developed world" is making daily.

The Story Of Mythology

Campbell is one of the greatest Mythology researchers of all time. He has written many different books on the subject, going into detail as to how they all relate to each other.

The Hero's Journey

Sukhavati - A Mythic Journey with Joseph Campbell
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

The Power Of Myth
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Monday, July 23, 2007

Meet The Sun

This has to be one of my favorite movies around. Shows the evolution of man's understanding of the sun.

Hemp Seed Oil Nutritional Profile

Did you know that hemp seed oil contains Protein, Essential Fatty Acids, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Fiber and more?

This is a presentation done at the 2002 Cannabis Therapeutics Conference, by Mary Beth Augustine, R.D. She discusses the nutritional properties of Hemp Seed Oil. Has some good info relating to your health, which is very important.

George Orwell's 1984

This is a must for anyone who has yet to see it. Scary future scenario? Or is it already here?

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb in a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."

-Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to John Adams


Alan Watts - Time and the More It Changes

Alan Watts drops his drunken-master style on time.

Joe Rogan on DMT

Joe Rogan drops some knowledge on DMT, Dreaming and God, with my favorite SHPONGLE as the background track! This is a great introduction to Dimethyltryptamine.

Princeton Researchers Expose E-Vote Flaws

In 9 minutes these guys from Princeton University show you how easy someone with a little bit of knowledge could steal an election using Diebold's most widely used voting machine(AccueVote-TS). Remember, Diebold is the company that the U.S. uses for electronic voting machines.

North American Union

I'm not sure if any of you are aware of this yet, but the plans have long been underway to merge the United States, Canada and Mexico. This is not some joke, its been on CNN. They are planning on removing the current money form too, and replacing it with the "Amero".

Educate yourself on this, as a global empire is quickly becoming a very real possibility. If this happens, all we need is a few more continental unions, and centralized power of the world is a done deal.

All war is based on deception.

-Sun Tzu

WTC Collapse Video (w/ inverted color)

Check out this video, which was taken by some firemen from the ground as the WTC collapsed. It becomes even more obvious that the structure was blown out with explosives as you see the last take that shows the video with inverted color.

Still need more convincing? Head over to Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. As you can probably guess by the name, the site has some credible information.

And do not forget:

...a leading intellectual force in the move to create an EU-style North American Community, told WND he believes a new 9/11 crisis could be the catalyst to merge the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Did You Know?

Slandering or defaming the Spanish royal family carries a two-year prison sentence.

Guns, Germs and Steel

Discover how 3 main things had the largest influence on the global conquest of Western Civilization. Based on the book by Jared Diamond.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

-A. Einstein

Drunvalo Melchizedek - Intro To Sacred Geometry

In this two part video we get a great intro to Sacred Geometry. This stuff is good to get a grasp on, because it pretty much describes how the universe was formed on a sub-atomic level. It would be good to have a decent understanding of particle physics before going into this, but its not necessary.

After watching this, it becomes a bit easier to see the patterns all around us every day.

Part 1

Part 2

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Concentration Camps In The US

The following are videos that contain information about the concentration camps found throughout the United States. You should really check into this stuff yourself. Take a look at the videos, then add the Military Commissions Act as well as the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive and Defense Authorization Act of 2007 to the mix, and what do we have? Massive potential for abuse. Even more, they literally have the system IN PLACE to instate martial law, and throw anyone they want (in huge amounts) into these prison camps.

According to the Defense Authorization Act, not only do they get $500 Billion for their efforts this year alone, it also allows the President to declare a "public emergency" and station troops anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to "suppress public disorder". Which means in english, MARTIAL LAW.

As you can see, these guys do not want anyone knowing about their plans before they are ready for us to know about it.

It is obvious that another Nazi-style (perhaps even Nazi-run) police state is upon us. Watch for the attempted world domination to continue in the near future.

The Pharmacratic Inquisition

Another great video that delves deep into Astrotheology, and the links between the churchs, governments and religions. Christianity is just a re-written version of an ancient mind control story told over and over through time.

This information is crucial to understand how they control you.


How is 9/11, Ancient Civilizations, Solar Worship and Money all related?

How To Start A Cult

This shows some deep insight into how culture, civilization, and group-response works.

Money As Debt

This is a great documentary on how the banking & money systems of the world came about. Good way to get started seeing how this system was created just to make us all slaves to debt.

Here and here you can find other sources of information on the subject.

Is not the grass clothed by God? Are not the animals fed by God? Do you think anything less would be done for you?